
How are Hygiene Protocols Carried Out in Turkish Hammams?

The Turkish hammam is an important part of Turkish culture, which is a traditional bathing and cleaning ritual. It is of great importance to ensure cleanliness and hygiene in these places, which are often visited by both locals and tourists. We will explore how cleanliness and hygiene are ensured in Turkish baths and how a safe experience can be experienced in these places.

Regular Cleaning of The Hammam

Turkish baths have scheduled programs for cleaning at regular intervals. General cleaning is carried out every day by the cleaning team of the bathhouse and the protection of a hygienic environment is ensured. Floors, walls, steam rooms and other areas are regularly cleaned and disinfected.

Hygienic Water and Ventilation System

It is of great importance that the water used in Turkish hammams is hygienic. For this reason, the water resources of the baths are regularly checked and the cleanliness of the water is ensured. In addition, ventilation systems are also regularly checked and clean air circulation is ensured. This ensures that the air of the bathhouse remains fresh and clean.

Clean Towels and Personal Care Supplies

Clean towels and personal care supplies are provided in the Turkish hammams. A clean towel and hammam slippers are provided for each guest. It is ensured that these towels and materials are washed and changed after each use and stored in hygienic conditions. Soap, shampoo and body cleansing products are also provided to ensure the personal hygiene of guests.

Personal Hygiene and Hand Hygiene of the Personnel

The staff working in Turkish hammams should be attentive and conscious about hygiene. The staff should wear clean and hygienic clothes, collect their hair properly and behave in accordance with hygienic standards. Hand hygiene is especially important in procedures that require direct contact, such as massage and bathing glove application. The staff ensures the health and safety of the guests by following the hygiene rules.

Raising the Awareness of the Guests

Guests also have an active role in ensuring cleanliness and hygiene in Turkish hammams. Guests should be informed about the rules of the bathhouse and hygienic practices and should be made aware of appropriate behaviors. For example, issues such as the need to wash hands before and after taking a shower in the bathhouse, the importance of personal hygiene and respectful treatment in public areas should be emphasized.

Cleanliness and hygiene in Turkish hammams are of great importance to protect the health and safety of guests. Factors such as regular cleaning, hygienic water and ventilation systems, clean towels and personal care supplies, hygienic personnel practices and raising the awareness of guests provide a clean and hygienic hammam experience. Paying attention to these hygienic practices while visiting the Turkish hammam allows you to have a pleasant and healthy experience.